Schedule. October 20 – 23 2011

[fancy_header]Thursday[/fancy_header] [fancy_table]

Barentz Pub

200,- 21:00
Micke & Lefty feat. Chef
Eric ‘Slim’ Zahl & the South West Swingers

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200,- 21:00
Mike Zito

[/fancy_table] [divider_top] [fancy_header]Friday[/fancy_header] [fancy_table]

Concert in kindergarten

Iver Olav and Adam Douglas

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School concert

Bright Side Five

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Barentz Pub, Blues lunch

Free entry 12:00
Eric ‘Slim’ Zahl & the South West Swingers

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Spitsbergen Hotel, Funken

990,- 17:30
Mike Zito & Tina Lie Festival pass is not valid here
Stemningsfull og intim bluesmiddag i Funktionærmessen Restaurant med artistene Mike Zito og Tina Lie. Inkludert er aperitiff, 3-retters middag med vinpakke og kaffe avec. Billetter bestilles på tlf.: 79 02 62 00, og må hentes senest 19. oktober kl. 18. Billetter som ikke er hentet selges videre.

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Barentz Pub

200,- 21:00
Bryan Lee

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200,- 21:00
Bright Side Five
Tina Lie

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250,- 21:00
T-Bear & the Dukes of Rhythm
The Douglas Group
Mike Andersen Band

[/fancy_table] [divider_top] [fancy_header]Saturday[/fancy_header] [fancy_table]

Barentz Pub, Blues lunch

Free entry 12:00
JW with friends
Øyvind Rønning interviews artists

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UNIS, TV-Aksjonen

250,- / 100,- 14:00 19:00
T-Bear & The Dukes of Rhythm  at 15:00 children under 7 years free entry. Alcohol-free event. Festival pass is not valid here.
 Internasjonal buffet med mat fra alle verdenshjørner. En kulinarisk opplevelse kombinert med fengende bluesmusikk og andre kulturinnslag utover ettermiddagen.
Et samarbeid mellom tv-aksjonen og Dark Season Blues.

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Karlsberger Pub

100,- 15:00
Micke & Lefty feat Chef

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500,- 20:00
Huset 1.etg Huset 2.etg
Bright Side Five T-Bear & The Dukes of Rhythm
Micke & Lefty feat. Chef The Douglas Group
Bryan Lee JW-Jones
Tina Lie Mike Zito
Eric ‘Slim’ Zahl & the South West Swingers Mike Andersen Band
Konserter i begge etasjer på Huset med alle artister.

[/fancy_table] [divider_top] [fancy_header]Sunday[/fancy_header] [fancy_table]

Svalbard church

100,- / 50,- 18:00
Bryan Lee & The Douglas Group

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Barentz Pub, Bluesjam

Free entry 21:00
Jam session. Bring your own instrument.
Host Mike Andersen

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