Schedule 23. til 26. oktober | Dark Season Blues 2014

Schedule Dark Season Blues 2014



Consert start (LT) Ticket price in NOK



Longyearbyen Skole

11.30 Only for the schoolchildren
Jace Everett & ORBO





Åpning av Dark Season Blues 2014


18.00 Free
Official Opening of the Dark Season Blues festival 2014.
With some of the artists from the festival lineup.
The event is suitable for the whole family



Barentz Pub

21.00 300,-
Steinar Albrigtsen & Monika Nordli feat. Tom Pacheco
Eric ‘Slim’ Zahl & the South West Swingers

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Svalbar Pub

21.00 300,-

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21.00 300,-
Barrelhouse Chuck with Sven Zetterberg & The Magnetic North Blues Band
Jace Everett

[divider_top] [fancy_header]Friday[/fancy_header]




Kullungen Barnehage

10.30 Only for the kids in the kindergartens


10.30 Only for the kids in the kindergartens
Steinar Albrigtsen & Monika Nordli



Barentz Pub: Blues lunch

12.00 Free
Billy T Band


Spitsbergen Hotel

17:30 1150,-
Rita Engedalen, Danielle Nicole Schnebelen, Grainne Duffy Festival passes does not apply here
Janis Joplin Tribute.
Stemningsfull og intim bluesmiddag i Funktionærmessen Restaurant. Inkluderer aperitif, 3-retters middag med vinpakke og kaffe avec.
Billetter bestilles per tlf. +47 79 02 62 00

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Barentz Pub

20.00 300,-
Reidar Larsen
Billy T Band feat. Betty Lou Fox
Trond Olsen Band feat. Buddy Whittington

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Svalbar Pub

21.00 300,-
Torbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado
Grainne Duffy

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20.00 300,-
Trampled Under Foot
Rita Engedalen & Backbone

[/fancy_table] [divider_top] [fancy_header]Saturday[/fancy_header]

Barentz Pub: Blues lunch

12.00 Free
JT Lauritsen with friends
Artist interview by Øyvind Rønning


Mary-Ann’s Polarrigg:
Akustisk scene

13:00 100,-
Tom Pacheco, Steinar Albrigtsen, Ole Reinert Berg-Olsen og Monika Nordli Festival passes does not apply here
“In the round”. En enestående mulighet til et nært møte med låtskriverene, hvor publikum også får servert historiene bak låtene.



Gruve 3: Gruveblues

15.00 200,-
The Magnetic North Blues Band Festival passes does not apply here
Buss fra MIX Isbjørnbutikken kl 14.30 inkludert

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Karlsberger Pub

15.00 150,-
Jostein Forsberg og Morten Omlid Festival passes does not apply here



19.00 700,-
Huset 1.etg Huset 2.etg
Trond Olsen Band feat. Buddy Whittington Barrellhouse Chuck with Sven Zetterberg & The Magnetic North Blues Band
Billy T Band feat. Betty Lou Fox Rita Engedalen & Backbone
Trampled Under Foot Diunna Greenleaf & Blue Mercy
Jace Everett Grainne Duffy
Eric ‘Slim’ Zahl & the South West Swingers Torbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado
Gratis buss for publikum fra Karlsberger Pub til Huset kl 18.40.


[divider_top] [fancy_header]Sunday[/fancy_header] [fancy_table]

Svalbard kirke

18.00 150,- / 50,-
Diunna Greenleaf & Blue Mercy Festival passes does not apply here
Konserten passer for hele familien, og barn har redusert pris på billetten.

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Restaurant Nansen: Jamsession

21:00 Free
This year’s host is Mikael Fahleryd
Bring your own instrument and join in on Norway’s best bluesjam
