For 25 years as a recording artist, Steinar Albrigtsen has played and sung into many Norwegian hearts.
He has released 16 albums. His first release was the country album “Alone Too Long”, one of Norway’s best selling albums, but he has also released several albums within blues and also done work within jazz and rockabilly. He is known for his collaboration with American artist Tom Pacheco and Norwegian artist Jørn Hoel.
Steinar Albrigtsen just released a new blues album “The Daily Blues”. This album was released as a project after a request from Notodden Blues Festival for their 30th anniversary in August this year. The album offers a tribute to our greatest blues artists throughout the years but also contains new music.
At Dark Season Blues you can see this project with his Daily Blues Band in a concert just after the opening Thursday night.
You can also see Steinar Albrigtsen in other settings at Dark Season Blues. With his wife Monika Nordli and Ernst Nikolaisen in a unique meeting at restaurant Funken with Daniel Eriksen, and as an acoustic duo with Monika Nordli at Mary-Ann’s Polarrigg Saturday.
Dark Season Blues©2017