Curtis Salgado (US) | Dark Season Blues


Curtis Salgado

Vocalist, singer/songwriter and harmonica player, Curtis Salgado, started his first band, The Nighthawks, in Eugene, Oregon. He sang and played the harmonica in The Robert Cray Band for 6 years, before joining up with Roomful of Blues. Back in Oregon he started Curtis Salgado & The Stilettos. Salgdo was also a source of inspiration when John Belushi created the blues characters in the TV series «Saturday Night Live», which served as the basis for the film «The Blues Brothers» in 1980.

Salgado has suffered from health issues, which are referenced in the track «I Will Not Surrender» but is now back in force. He has released 10 albums and received a total of 8 Blues Music Awards shared between several different categories. Don’t miss one of today’s most soulful voices.

Dark Season Blues©2018

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